Time |
Event |
12:00 - 14:00
Registration | Check-in | Welcome coffee - Congress check-in |
14:00 - 14:30
Welcome opening speech (Auditorium) - Christine Brun, Benoit Ballester |
14:30 - 15:30
Keynote: Ludovic Orlando (Auditorium) - Bioinformatics for Bugs, Beasts and Greens: Horses genomics |
15:30 - 16:30
Bioinformatics for Bugs, Beasts and Greens (Auditorium) - Chair: Guy Perriere |
15:30 - 15:50 |
› Co-option of complex molecular system in bacterial and archaeal membrane - Rémi Denise, Génomique évolutive des Microbes |
15:50 - 16:10 |
› The evolution of large and giant viruses and their relationships with Eukaryotes - Julien Guglielmini, Hub Bioinformatique et Biostatistique - Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB |
16:10 - 16:30 |
› Probabilistic PCA for count data in microbial ecology - Mahendra Mariadassou, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique - Centre de Jouy-en-Josas |
16:30 - 17:00
Coffee Break (Espace vieux-port) |
16:30 - 17:00
Booths in Exhibition Zone - omicX, EMBL-EBI, Cancéropôle PACA |
17:00 - 17:05
Presentation of "Groupement de Recherche en Génomique Environnementale" (Auditorium) |
17:05 - 18:05
Bioinformatics for Bugs, Beasts and Greens (Auditorium) - Chair: Guy Perriere |
17:05 - 17:25 |
› PPanGGOLiN: Depicting microbial diversity via a Partitioned Pangenome Graph - Guillaume Gautreau, Laboratoire d'Analyse Bioinformatique en Génomique et Métabolisme - Rémi Planel, Laboratoire d'Analyse Bioinformatique en Génomique et Métabolisme |
17:25 - 17:45 |
› CARNAC-LR : Clustering coefficient-based Acquisition of RNA Communities in Long Reads - Camille Marchet, Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires |
17:45 - 18:05 |
› Assembling the genome of the desert ant and uncovering structural rearrangements with instaGRAAL, a fast and scalable scaffolder based on Hi-C data - Lyam Baudry, Régulation spatiale des Génomes - Spatial Regulation of Genomes |
18:05 - 18:35
Presentations JeBIF / / Bioinfuse (Auditorium) |
18:35 - 22:00
Opening dinner cocktail (Espace vieux-port) |
Time |
Event |
08:45 - 09:00
Welcome coffee (Espace vieux-port) |
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote: Pierre Antoine Gourraud (Auditorium) |
10:00 - 10:40
New challenges for bioinformatics in the personalized medicine era (Auditorium) - Chair: Emmanuel Barillot |
10:00 - 10:20 |
› Bayesian Genome-Wide Association Study to discover novel lifespan-associated loci - Ninon Mounier, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne 1015, Switzerland, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (IUMSP), Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne 1010, Switzerland |
10:20 - 10:40 |
› Aggregation of rare family-specific variants associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis - Maëva Veyssiere, GenHotel |
10:40 - 11:10
Booths in Exhibition Zone - omicX, EMBL-EBI, Cancéropôle PACA |
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee Break (Espace vieux-port) |
11:10 - 12:10
New challenges for bioinformatics in the personalized medicine era (Auditorium) - Chair: Nicolas Thierry-Mieg |
11:10 - 11:30 |
› Sarek, a portable workflow for WGS analysis of germline and somatic mutations - Maxime Garcia, The Swedish Childhood Tumor Biobank, Dept. of Oncology Pathology, National Genomics Infrastructure, Science for Life Laboratory, Karolinska Institutet |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› I-LowVarFreq : improving low-frequency variant detection using a new UMI-based variant calling approach for paired-end sequencing NGS libraries. - Pierre-Julien VIAILLY, Centre Henri Becquerel, 76000 Rouen, France, Normandie Univ, UNIROUEN, INSERM U1245, Team “Genomics and Biomarkers of Lymphoma and Solid Tumors”, 76000 Rouen |
11:50 - 12:10 |
› From individual genetic variations towards haplotype: GEMPROT, a new way of reading VCF files - Tania Cuppens, UMR1078 "Génétique, Génomique Fonctionnelle et Biotechnologies", INSERM, EFS, Université de Brest, IBSAM, CHU de Brest |
11:10 - 12:10
Bioinformatics for Bugs, Beasts and Greens (DNA room) - Chair: Eric Rivals |
11:10 - 11:30 |
› A new rapid, flexible and intuitive software to simulate phylogenies of infections - Gonché DANESH, Laboratoire “Maladies Infectieuses et Vecteurs, Ecologie, Evolution et Contrôle” |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› Combining eDNA metabarcoding and supervised machine learning for routine environmental applications: an example with marine aquaculture - Tristan Cordier, Université de Genève |
11:50 - 12:10 |
› On improving the approximation ratio of the r-shortest common superstring problem - Raluca Uricaru, Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique |
11:10 - 12:10
Structural Bioinformatics/Proteomics (Protein room) - Chair: Bianca Habermann |
11:10 - 11:30 |
› Assessing the functional impact of genomic alterations using proteogenomics - Georges Bedran, CEA/DRF/BIG/BGE/EDYP, UFR Sciences et Techniques - Université de Rouen, CEA/DRF/JACOB/CNRGH |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› Structural and dynamics studies of a potassium channel and disease-associated mutants - Charline FAGNEN, Laboratoire de Biologie et de Pharmacologie Appliquée, Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie |
11:50 - 12:10 |
› NR-DBIND : A database dedicated to nuclear receptor binding data including negative data and pharmacological profile - Manon Réau, Laboratoire Génomique, Bioinformatique et Applications |
12:10 - 13:30
Lunch (Espace vieux-port) |
12:10 - 13:30
Booths in Exhibition Zone - omicX, EMBL-EBI, Cancéropôle PACA |
12:10 - 13:30
Cambridge 2 Marseille chat (DNA room) - Round table |
13:30 - 14:30
Keynote: Eleftheria Zeggini (Auditorium) |
14:30 - 15:10
New challenges for bioinformatics in the personalized medicine era (Auditorium) - Chair: Karyn Megy |
14:30 - 14:50 |
› Unravelling human preimplantation development by single-cell RNA-Seq: from experiment design to cell fate trajectories. - Dimitri Meistermann, Centre de Recherche en Transplantation et Immunologie, Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes |
14:50 - 15:10 |
› Proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of medulloblastoma reveals distinct activated pathways between subgroups - Loredana Martignetti, Cancer et génôme: Bioinformatique, biostatistiques et épidémiologie d'un système complexe |
15:10 - 15:30
Flash Poster presentation 4x5' (Auditorium) |
15:30 - 16:00
Break (Espace vieux-port) |
16:00 - 17:00
Poster session - Even numbers - Even numbers |
17:00 - 18:00
Bioinformatics for Bugs, Beasts and Greens (Auditorium) - Chair: Pascal Hingamp |
17:00 - 17:20 |
› Comparative metagenomics highlighted a core of metabolic capabilities in multiple serpentinizing ecosystems - Eléonore Frouin, Institut méditerranéen d'océanologie |
17:20 - 17:40 |
› Single-cell genome study of marine protists in the framework of the Tara Oceans project - Léo d'Agata, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA), Genoscope, Institut de Biologie François-Jacob |
17:40 - 18:00 |
› MACADAM a user-friendly MetAboliC pAthway DAtabase for complex Microbial community function analysis - Malo Le Boulch, GenPhySE - UMR 1388 |
17:00 - 18:00
New challenges for bioinformatics in the personalized medicine era (DNA room) - Chair: Anais Baudot |
17:00 - 17:20 |
› Fine-scale genetic population structure in western France - Christian Dina, Institut du Thorax |
17:20 - 17:40 |
› Identification de marques épigénétiques marqueurs de prédisposition aux maladies métaboliques - Jérémy Tournayre, Unité de Nutrition Humaine - Clermont Auvergne |
17:40 - 18:00 |
› Perturbed human sub-networks by Fusobacterium nucleatum candidate virulence proteins - Andreas Zanzoni, Theories and Approaches of Genomic Complexity |
17:00 - 18:00
Systems Biology/Functional Genomics (Protein room) - Chair: Benoit Bely |
17:00 - 17:20 |
› Biocuration and rule-based modelling of protein interaction networks in KAMI - Sébastien Légaré |
17:20 - 17:40 |
› Build your own multi-omics website with BACNET - Christophe Becavin, Institut Pasteur – Hub Bioinformatique et Biostatistique – C3BI, USR 3756 IP CNRS |
17:40 - 18:00 |
› Gigwa - Genotype Investigator for Genome-Wide Analyses - Pierre Larmande, Institut de Biologie Computationnelle, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement |
18:00 - 19:30
Social Events |
18:00 - 19:30
Booths in Exhibition Zone - omicX, EMBL-EBI, Cancéropôle PACA |
19:30 - 20:30
Free evening |
Time |
Event |
08:20 - 08:40
Welcome Coffee (Espace vieux-port) |
08:40 - 09:40
Keynote: Edda Klipp (Auditorium) |
09:40 - 10:40
Systems Biology/Functional Genomics (Auditorium) - Chair: Denis Thieffry |
09:40 - 10:00 |
› Statistical modeling of bacterial promoter sequences for regulatory motif discovery using expression data - Ibrahim Sultan, INRA-MaIAGE |
10:00 - 10:20 |
› A map of direct TF – DNA interactions in the human genome - Anthony Mathelier, Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, Nordic EMBL, Norway |
10:20 - 10:40 |
› Multiple probabilistic models resolve the functional organization of the cryptochrome/photolyase protein family - Riccardo Vicedomini, Institut des Sciences du Calcul et des Données, Laboratoire de Biologie Computationnelle et Quantitative |
10:40 - 11:10
Coffee Break (Espace vieux-port) |
11:10 - 12:10
Systems Biology/Functional Genomics (Auditorium) - Chair: Anthony Mathelier |
11:10 - 11:30 |
› RSAT 2018: regulatory sequence analysis tools 20th anniversary - Morgane Thomas-Chollier, Institut de Biologie de l'Ecole Normale Superieure |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› ReMap 2018: an updated atlas of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding ChIP-seq experiments - Jeanne Chèneby, Aix-Marseille Université, UMR1090 TAGC |
11:50 - 12:10 |
› Enhancer-gene associations in complete genomes unravel ancestral vertebrate regulation and key principles of enhancer function - Yves CLEMENT, Institut de biologie de lÉNS Paris (UMR 8197/1024) |
11:10 - 12:10
Systems Biology/Functional Genomics (DNA room) - Chair: Aitor Gonzalez |
11:10 - 11:30 |
› Mathematical modeling of Fe-S biogenesis shows strong links between iron homeostasis and oxidative stress response - Firas Hammami, Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, Laboratoire de chimie bactérienne |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› Logical modelling and analysis of cellular regulatory networks with GINsim 3.0 - Aurélien Naldi, Institut de Biologie de l'ENS - Denis Thieffry, Institut de Biologie de l'ENS |
11:50 - 12:10 |
› Multilevel logical modelling of the regulatory network governing dorsal-ventral axis specification in the sea urchin P. lividus. - Swann FLOC'HLAY, Institute of Biology at the Ecole Normale Superieure |
11:10 - 12:10
Systems Biology/Functional Genomics (Protein room) - Chair: Camille Berthelot |
11:10 - 11:30 |
› Predicting 3'UTR's regulation of protein multifunctionality - Diogo Ribeiro, Theories and Approaches of Genomic Complexity |
11:30 - 11:50 |
› Prediction of new multiciliogenesis genes using a fine-grained comparative genomic approach - Audrey Defosset, Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie |
11:50 - 12:10 |
› PhyloSofS: PHYLOgenies of Splicing isOForms Structures - Diego Javier Zea, Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology |
12:10 - 13:30
Lunch (Espace vieux-port) |
12:10 - 13:30
Booths in Exhibition Zone - omicX, EMBL-EBI, Cancéropôle PACA |
13:30 - 14:30
Keynote: Emmanuel Levy (Auditorium) |
14:30 - 15:10
Structural Bioinformatics/Proteomics (Auditorium) - Chair : Anne-Claude Camproux |
14:30 - 14:50 |
› Protein interaction energy landscapes are shaped by functional and also non-functional partners - Hugo Schweke, Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC) |
14:50 - 15:10 |
› A hybrid combinatorial method for docking a single-stranded RNA in a protein pocket at the thermodynamic equilibrium - Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne, LORIA |
15:10 - 15:30
Flash Poster presentation 4x5' (Auditorium) |
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break (Espace vieux-port) |
15:30 - 16:00
Booths in Exhibition Zone - omicX, EMBL-EBI, Cancéropôle PACA |
16:00 - 17:00
Poster session - Odd numbers - Odd numbers |
17:00 - 19:00
General Assembly of SFBI, IFB, GdR BIM (Auditorium) |
19:00 - 23:55
Gala Dinner & Concert (Espace vieux-port) |
Time |
Event |
08:45 - 09:00
Welcome Coffee (Espace vieux-port) |
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote: Elizabeth Purdom (Auditorium) |
10:00 - 10:40
Data Science (Auditorium) - Chair: Chloé-Agathe Azencott |
10:00 - 10:20 |
› Protein domain sequence analyses using Long-Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks - Tristan Bitard Feildel, Laboratoire de Biologie Computationnelle et Quantitative |
10:20 - 10:40 |
› RNA complex prediction as a constrained maximum clique problem - Audrey Legendre, IBISC, Univ Evry, Université Paris Saclay |
10:40 - 11:05
Coffee Break (Espace vieux-port) |
11:05 - 11:45
Data Science (Auditorium) - Chair: Chloé-Agathe Azencott |
11:05 - 11:25 |
› Latent Tree based Inference of Ecological Network using the Poisson Log-Normal Model - Raphaëlle Momal, UMR MIA-Paris, INRA, AgroParis Tech, Université Paris-Saclay, 75005, Paris, FRANCE |
11:25 - 11:45 |
› mmquant and mmannot: How to handle multiple-mapping reads in (s)RNA-Seq - Matthias Zytnicki, MIAT |
11:45 - 12:15
Closing speech JOBIM2018 | SFBI Awards | Presentation of JOBIM2019 (Auditorium) - Christine Brun, Benoit Ballester |
12:15 - 13:00
Lunch bags (Espace vieux-port) |